We’ve all been there – encountering a software that seemingly does it all: simplifies your operations, maximizes your free time, integrates with everything, and creates synergies (if that’s still a buzzword?). Consequently, you schedule a demo. The sales representative is confident and knowledgeable, the platform is modern and functional, and the implementation timeline seems almost too reasonable.
Then, you sign the contract. And then, as Chinua Achebe once aptly put it, things fall apart.
There’s an old poem that you’re probably familiar with, even if you hate poetry. Robert Frost’s “The Road Not Taken” is so widely known it’s been referenced in Super Bowl commercials, Billboard Hot 100 songs, best-selling books, and various television shows – How I Met Your Mother, Family Guy, Book Club, and Orange is the New Black to name a few.

For those unfamiliar, the essence of the poem is as follows: a traveler reaches a fork in the road, nervously weighs his options, and whimsically picks one. Years later, he reflects on his decision to take “the road less traveled,” stating it made all the difference.
This poem crossed my mind recently while reading yet another LinkedIn post on the expansive growth of the Kitces Advisor Technology Map over time. Undoubtedly, the map is a useful tool – it’s even bookmarked on my browser. But, can we truly classify it as a map? I would argue it’s more akin to a catalog, offering a visualization of all your options – or all the potential paths – in building your tech stack. What it doesn’t provide is a depiction of the journey that lies ahead, in the manner a traditional map does with roads, topography, and directional guidance.
You may feel like you’re at a crossroads with your tech right now, resonating with the character in Frost’s poem. You might be clinging to a legacy system, overwhelmed by the sheer volume of options for change. Or perhaps, you’ve already journeyed down a road that promised success but ended in disappointment, leaving you to ponder the potential outcomes had you chosen the other path…
However, there’s a key difference between you and Frost’s traveler – you needn’t travel alone. Our experience spans numerous paths, both the well-trodden and those less traversed. We’ve navigated the potholes, the rough terrains, the sturdy bridges, and yes, even the troll-infested ones.
Allow us to be your guide on this journey, transforming your daily grind into something resembling a leisurely walk in the park. When all your systems are user-friendly, integrated, and effectively get the job done, it can feel like… well, poetry in motion.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us via our contact form on our website or by calling us directly at 503–446–4080.